
Services for your comfort

  • Same day/next day appointments for established patients
  • E-prescription, one-way visit to the pharmacy to pick-up medication
  • Convenient in-office blood draw and laboratory testing
  • Flexible scheduling, we hold evening clinics from 2pm to 7pm every Wednesdays for patients who cannot afford to miss work to see the doctor
  • Self-pay plan available for those without health insurance 
  • Appointment reminder by SMS

Our services in focus

Live a healthy life, preventive medical check-ups are more important today than ever before.  With our preventive medical check-ups, we can help detect illness early on, treat it accordingly and prevent hospitalization.


We also offer the following services:

  • General Practitioner Care
  • Comprehensive Annual Physical Exam
  • In-house diagnostic tests
  • In-office Lab tests
MasterCard Visa
MasterCard, Visa

1905 W. Busch Blvd. 

Tampa, FL 33612


Phone: 813.365.3525

Fax: 813.365.3515


Clinic Hours:  


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


2:00 PM - 7:00 PM


9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


The Clinic is open on MONDAYS from  

9:00 AM to  2:00 PM for administrative purposes only.

We are TELEMEDICINE capable!  

Pls verify with your insurance if TELEHEALTH is covered.

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